Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sept 23

1a "Living what you believe" is doing what I know is right, always. If I know that a student can accomplish something, I will help him/her accomplish it. I say that I know that all students are capable, so I will always treat them like they are capable.

1b If I allow students to figure stuff out on their own, because I know they are capable, I might run into trouble with parents, peers, or the principle. Helping a student figure something out with trial and error, might reflect poorly on me.

1c The classroom is not the teacer's. When students and teachers work together, it creates an environment that fosters learning. It is better than some form of a dictatorship where the teacher rules therefore students don't care to learn (they just care to make the teacher happy).

1 comment:

  1. Believing children are capable and allowing them to do for themselves things they are able to do will be a great benefit to them in the long run.
